Bauchi declares public holiday as Buhari visits on Thursday


The Bauchi State Government has declared Thursday, April 26, 2018, a public holiday in honour of President Muhammadu Buhari’s visit to the state.

The Special Adviser on Media and Strategy to the state governor, Mohammed Abubakar, disclosed this in a statement made available to newsmen.

He said the work-free day was part of the effort to give all Bauchi residents a chance to welcome the president.

The statement reads, “Governor Mohammed Abdullahi Abubakar of Bauchi state has declared tomorrow Thursday April 26th, 2018 public holiday ahead of President Muhammadu Buhari two day Presidential visit.

“The holiday is declared to enable all and sundry to give the August visitor a rousing reception tomorrow.

“Earlier in a broadcast to the state, the Governor had enjoined the people of the state to come out enmass to receive the president expected to arrive tomorrow Thursday morning.”

During President Buhari’s two-day visit, he’s expected to commission some projects especially roads and flag off the distribution of 500 tractors to farmers in the state.