Report reveals number of US homeless people hit record level in 2023


The United States saw a record increase in the number of homeless individuals this year, as revealed in a government report released on Friday.

In January, a headcount conducted for the US Department of Housing and Urban Development revealed that the number of homeless people across the country surpassed 653,100. This marked an increase of 70,650 individuals, or 12 percent, compared to the previous year, representing the highest count since data collection began in 2007.

The report highlighted disparities, noting that although African Americans constitute 13 percent of the overall US population, they make up 37 percent of the homeless population. The largest surge in homelessness was observed among individuals identifying as Hispanic, with a 28 percent increase—equivalent to 39,106 people—between 2022 and 2023.

Additionally, the report indicated a 16 percent rise in the number of families with children experiencing homelessness. This reversal marked a departure from the downward trend observed since 2012.

Of the more 653,100 people counted as homeless in January, six out of 10 were in shelters or other temporary accomodations while four out of 10 were “in places not meant for human habitation,” it said.

The report identifies California as having the most extensive homeless population, totaling 181,399, followed by New York (103,200), Florida (30,756), Washington state (28,036), Texas (27,377), and Oregon (20,142).

Experts attribute the homelessness crisis in the United States to various factors, including poverty, mental health issues, addiction, and shortages in housing.