Dumo is certainly now confused, whose body did he deposit at the mortuary, By Oraye St. Franklin


The latest statement by Dumo Lulu-Briggs that his stepmother has buried his father in March 2019 smacks of the grandest bout of self-induced confusion if not blatant and misleading mischief. High Chief Dr. O. B. Lulu-Briggs, one of the greatest philanthropist Nigeria has seen, who was so kind that he refused to reveal the inadequacies and sheer wickedness of his three eldest sons, truly does not deserve the treatment he is receiving from them.

If one is to take Dumo for his words today, then on whose body did he approach the Magistrate court in Ghana on the 12th of July 2019 to authorise an autopsy? That should be 4 months after he said his stepmother buried his father. Can Dumo please tell the world whose body he identified on 19th July 2019 at both the mortuary and at the 37 Military Hospital in Ghana before the autopsy he instigated and participated in was done? Is he saying his father was exhumed for that purpose? What could be responsible for this present confusion if not his deliberate unwillingness to bury his father? Dumo Lulu-Briggs now wants the world to believe that his stepmother buried his father in March 2019? Why? Who is he trying to fool?

Dumo was physically present on the 19th of July, 2019 when the autopsy he instigated and called for was done. He identified his father’s body at the 37 Military Hospital before the autopsy was done. He identified the same body at the mortuary after the autopsy was done. The whole family and their representative pathologists agreed on the autopsy. His representative pathologists were there. The autopsy was completed and the report filed in court. Whose body did he identify and sign back into the mortuary after the autopsy? Oh he refuses to tell the public that he signed back the body for keeps at the mortuary! Anyway he can’t deny that even though he has not reported this in the media. If his father has been buried whose body is he seeking to bury?

Since he now says his father was buried in March 2019 whose body is he fighting so desperately to gain custody of in Ghana? Whose body did he seek to obtain from the mortuary on the 27th of December 2019? Whose body did he say during his press conference that he would bring back to Nigeria on the 27th of December 2019 from the mortuary in Accra? Whose body is he falsely claiming in the media that his stepmother is refusing to release for burial? Whose body did the court order the Police and mortuary to release to the High Chief’s family and him Dumo, for which he threw a party in Accra?

If he has a problem with the Autopsy, the proper thing to do is for the family to call leading world experts to review the report. On December 27, 2019 he blocked the release of the report of the autopsy carried out on his father. He didn’t report this and is denying it. His court papers are attached here. Why has Dumo gone to court to block the release of the report? Does he fear that the autopsy report will prove everything he said were lies! On September 6, 2019 Dumo Lulu-Briggs secured an order from the magistrates court in Accra, Ghana to carry out an inquest and a second autopsy on his father’s body. He has reported this development in the media. On whose body does he intend to have the second autopsy done since his father has been buried in March 2019? Oh Dumo oh!

Since according to him his father was buried in March, why is he seeking another autopsy on a body he now claims is not his father’s and blocking the release of the first autopsy report, which he instigated, called for, participated in and agreed to? Oh Dumo! Dumo should stop his shenanigans and bury his father on January 25, 2020. He should stop making cheap digs at the family and maligning his father’s legacy.

The Chief was such a great man, who loved his community and Nigeria. It is disrespectful that after all of this time he has not been laid to rest. He was an honourable, loving philanthropist and would never have behaved like this. Dumo should rather have chosen to walk in the legacy of his father, close ranks with his own family members and bury his father. He should stop the excuses and bury his father. He should lay his father to rest.