81 bodies recovered from Kebbi boat mishap – Gov Bagudu


Gov. Atiku Bagudu of Kebbi says 81 bodies have so far been recovered from Wednesday’s boat mishap in Warrah, Ngaski Local Government Area of the state.

Bagudu disclosed this on Sunday in Birnin Kebbi when he received Gov. Aminu Masari of Katsina State, who was on a condolence visit to the state.

Newsclickng.com recalls that a boat from Lokon Minna, Niger State conveying traders, artisanal miners and other passengers capsized at Warrah and claimed over 100 lives.

While appreciating the governor and his entourage for the visit, Bagudu prayed that the continues harmonious relationship between the two states would ever be sustained.

Recalling the incident, Bagudu said the mishap happened in Warrah, adding that the town was by the side of River Niger close to Kainji dam.

“This area remains a route for marine transportation, as it witnesses a lot of activities of canoes and boats on daily basis.

“There are some boats that can carry and covey three long-trucks of goods at a time and there are some boats that travel as far as Mali from there.

“But this boat was conveying over 170 people incidentally capsised at Warrah, where only 22 persons were rescued, and as at now, 81 bodies have been recovered and buried and rescue and search is still ongoing.

“Warrah is a route where many people travel to Lokon Minna in Niger State for gold mining apart from women who go there to sell food.”

Earlier, Masari said the visit was to sympathise with government and people of Kebbi State over the unfortunate incident.

He said: “We are here to condole with the people of Kebbi State over the unfortunate incident and to sympathise with our brother and Chairman, Progressives Governors’ Forum, His Excellency, Gov. Atiku Bagudu.

“This tragedy affects all of us, because in a situation where over 100 persons lost their lives is not an easy task, as you can see in other countries when one or two people loss their lives, leaders become highly emotional and offset.

“This is because, the essence of government right from onset is to protect lives, wellbeing and property of the citizens. However, when something contrary happened, the leaders felt bad more than any other person.”

Masari observed that the death of over 100 people may affect thousands of people, considering the fact that many people rely on some of these deceased for a living.

He lamented that the tragic incident was highly devastating and sad, praying that God Almighty would avert the recurrence of similar accident in future.