COVID-19: Users Download 27 million Shopping Apps in one month


A new report by LearnBonds has showed that in the month of March 2020, five leading shopping apps accounted for almost 27 million downloads.

It was said that these apps specifically recorded 26.9 million downloads in the period under review, with Android users accounting for more than 90 percent of that figures.

Millions of shoppers have had to go for buying items online after thousands of stores and shopping malls were forced to shut down to stop the spread of coronavirus.

The observed that the lockdowns have resulted in surge in the shopping apps downloads.

According to LearnBonds, the most download shopping app in March 2020 was Wish, which recorded 7.38 million downloads.

During the coronavirus lockdown in March, the popular shopping app was downloaded 7.38 million times, revealed the Statista and Priori Data survey. With 6 million downloads, Google Play generated more than 80 percent of that amount. iPhone users downloaded the app 1.38 million times in March, ranking it as the third-leading shopping app in the App Store.

Second on the list was AliExpress, recording about 6.5 million downloads and 532 million unique visitors two months ago.

Statistics show Android users generated the most significant share of that amount or more than 5.4 million downloads.

With coronavirus lockdown rules in place and millions of consumers turning to online shopping, the last few months have seen a surge in the number of people shopping on AliExpress.

As one of the most popular online retail websites in the world, AliExpress had 532 million unique visitors in March, revealed Statista and SEMrush data.

With 5.1 million downloads in the same month, Amazon ranked as the third most-downloaded shopping app globally. Around 75 percent of that amount or 3.82 million downloads were made in Google Play Store. However, the online retail giant is the top of the most-used shopping platforms globally, with 4.06 billion unique visitors in March.

In comparison, the combined number of unique visitors of its six largest competitors, eBay, Apple, Walmart, Rakuten,, and, amounted to 3.85 billion.

Statistics show Lazada and Club Factory ranked as the fourth and fifth most-downloaded shopping apps in the world, with 4 million and 3.98 million downloads in March, respectively.