SEC Proposes Rule to Protect Investors, Stockbrokers from Risks, Losses


A rule to look into the associated with stockbroking operations and protect investors in the event of the occurrence of the risk or loss insured is being proposed by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

In a disclosure, SEC said guideline, which will come under Rule 27A is mainly “to exempt capital market experts/professionals from maintaining fidelity bonds and enable the establishment of an insurance product for dealing members of securities exchanges to cover the risks associated with stockbroking operations and protect investors in the event of the occurrence of the risk or loss insured.”

The apex capital market regulator tagged the proposed rule as Insurance Policy for Corporate Bodies Licensed as a Dealing Member of a Securities Exchange.

In the existing Rule 27, which talks about Fidelity Bond, states that, “Every registered corporate body shall provide and maintain a bond which shall be issued by an insurance company acceptable to the Commission against theft/stealing, fraud or dishonesty, covering each officer, employee and sponsored individual of the company.”

But SEC wants this amended to “Every registered corporate body other than a corporate body licensed as a dealing member of a securities exchange and capital market experts/professionals shall provide and maintain a bond which shall be issued by an insurance company acceptable to the Commission against theft/stealing, fraud or dishonesty, covering each officer, employee and sponsored individual of the company.”

In the new rule, the agency is proposing that, “Every registered corporate body licensed as a dealing member of a securities exchange shall procure and maintain an insurance policy issued by an insurance company acceptable to the commission. The policy shall cover all aspects of the insured business activities and risks including but not limited to the following

“(a) fidelity guarantee against theft/stealing, fraud or dishonesty, covering each officer, employee and sponsored individual of the company;

“(b) professional indemnity in respect of loss arising from any claim or claims for any act or omission or breach of duty by officer, employee and sponsored individual of the company;

“(c) directors liability in respect of claims against wrongful acts committed in the capacity of a director;

“(d) legal liability, or other third-party claim;

“(e) other risks associated with its products and services.

“Provided however that the insurance policy shall take into consideration the situation whereby the dealing member is a member of multiple securities exchanges.”

It is also considering a rule that will make “every corporate body licensed as a dealing member of a securities exchange shall procure and maintain an insurance policy which shall where applicable, as may be determined by a securities exchange, name the securities exchange’s investors’ protection fund as the co-insured.

“Payments from the policy shall be utilized by the securities exchange’s investors’ protection fund towards compensating investors who have suffered losses on their securities traded on a securities exchange from the occurrence of the risks covered by the insurance policy.

“Provided however that where the dealing member is a member of multiple exchanges, payment shall be made to the relevant securities exchange where the defalcation occurred.”

In addition, it is proposing that, “The insurance policy maintained by a dealing member of a securities exchange shall provide that payment under the insurance policy can be made directly to the:

“(a) securities exchange’s investors’ protection fund which shall compensate investors who have suffered losses or;

“(b) affected dealing member with the prior written consent of the securities exchange’s investors’ protection fund.”

“The insurance policy shall provide that it shall not be cancelled, terminated or modified by the dealing member of a securities exchange without the prior written consent of the securities exchange’s investors’ protection fund and the commission. Where the cancellation, termination or modification is at the instance of the insurance company such cancellation, termination or modification shall not be carried out except after written notice shall have been given by the insurance company to the commission and the securities exchange’s investors’ protection fund, not less than sixty (60) calendar days prior to the effective date of cancellation, termination or modification.

“The insurance policy shall be provided in such reasonable form, terms and under such premium as the fiduciary duties of the officer, employee or sponsored individual require, but with due consideration to all

relevant factors, including but not limited to the risks insured, products and services, clientele, the value of the aggregate assets of the dealing member of a securities exchange in relation to all its registered functions, to which any officer, employee or sponsored individual may have access, the type and terms of the arrangements made for the custody and safekeeping of assets and securities in the company’s portfolio,” it added.

“The insurance policy shall cover not less than 20% of the minimum paid up capital of the dealing member of a securities exchange.

“Every dealing member of a securities exchange shall file with the commission and the securities exchange:

“(a) a statement of the nature and value of a claim within five (5) business days after the making of any claim under the insurance policy; and

“(b) a copy of the terms of the settlement of any claim made under the insurance policy within five (5) business days of the receipt thereof.

“Every securities exchange on the advice of the securities exchange’s Investor Protection Fund (IPF) shall provide quarterly reports to the commission on all claims settled under the insurance policy, and the report shall include the name of the investor and the sum received under the insurance policy.”