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[HEALTH TIPS] Blood types and food; what to eat and what to avoid
Everyone has a blood type. Each person belongs to one of the 8 types of blood groups O+, O-, A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+ and AB-, that…
[FOODIES’ CORNER] Basic recipe and cooking instructions for Native Rice
Native rice is adaptable and may be made with a variety of proteins just like many Nigerian dishes.
Four ways to unclog a sink in the order you should try them
There's never a good time to have a clogged sink. It's inconvenient, unsightly, and unsanitary. Depending on the severity of the…
Polaris Bank wins Nigeria’s Best Digital Bank of the Year Award,…
Polaris Bank shone brightest over the weekend as its bespoke home-grown digital bank, VULTe won for the third time, Nigeria's…
[FOODIES’ CORNER] How to make Yamarita
Yamarita appeared on the Nigerian culinary scene a couple of years ago. The main reason for the adaptation of this recipe was to…
How to know the expiry date of a car tyre
Your car’s tires are the only physical point of contact with the road making them vital for stability and safety.
[FOODIES CORNER] Basic recipe for cooking Ekwang (Ekpang Nkukwo)
Ekwang also known as ekpang nkukwo is a traditional Nigerian and dish native to the Efiks and Ibibios. It is also widely enjoyed…
How to fix a flat tire (Step-By-Step Guide)
Fix A Flat Tire Using A Sealant Gel Or Spray (Like Fix-A-Flat)
There are plenty of tire sealants on the market, from the…
Understanding wives now scarce in Nigeria – Relationship therapist
In a recent social media post, relationship therapist Joro Olumofin expressed concern over the dwindling presence of…
10 weekend habits of highly productive people
Some people have an uncanny ability to get things done. They keep their nights and weekends sacred and still get more done than…