Air Force chief warns against distractions and chaos


The Chief of the Air Staff, Air Marshal Sadique Abubakar, has called on officers and men of the Air Force to remain focused and avoid the temptation of distractions from some on-going campaigns in the country.

Air Marshal Abubakar maintained that the Air Force would not allow any individual or groups of individuals undermine the territorial integrity of the country, stating that the military would protect the nation’s constitution and defend her integrity.

The Air Chief spoke on Saturday at the Mogadishu Cantonment shortly after the First Quarter Route March Exercise organised by the Air Force for its personnel

Air Marshal Abubakar said: “Today’s security challenges are very complex. Therefore, a sound mind alone will not be able to solve these challenges without a sound body. For us to succeed in our constitutional roles, we need a sound mind and a sound body. So much was achieved in 2017 and I urge you to redouble your efforts in 2018.

“In this year, we are going to activate a Forward Operational Base (FOB) in Mubi, Adamawa State, and we will also engage Cross River and Akwa Ibom for the same FOB.

“This is because of some security challenges that we are beginning to see emerge from the border areas of Borno and Adamawa states.

“We are also working to establish an annex of the Mobility Command in Akwa Ibom. The whole idea is for us to be properly positioned to discharge our constitutional responsibilities for the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

“I want to urge all officers and men to continue to put in their best so that no part of Nigeria is undermined by any individual or group of individuals. I must also charge you not to get distracted by some campaigns undertaken by some individuals on the social media to perpetrate chaos and anarchy.

“You must remain focused and adhere to the constitution of the country.

“You are aware that the Federal Government is acquiring more air assets for the air force. We will intensify training and capacity building. We will make sure you are properly kitted and accommodated too,” Air Marshal Abubakar asserted.