4 States With Highest Number Of Medical Students- JAMB Data


With more universities opening across the country in the last decade, the number of students gaining admissions into specialised and competitive degree courses has steadily grown.

For Medicine, 4 states: Imo, Anambra, Delta and Enugu have dominated admission trends in the last 5 years, consistently trouncing the other 32 states and the Federal Capital Territory.

A data, covering 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015, for students admitted through test-based examinations conducted by the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) indicated.

The data from JAMB shows that between 2011 and 2015, these 4 states had more students gaining admission to study Medicine than any other state.

In the 5 years, the 4 states except Anambra, remained in the top five. Anambra took second position for 4 years, before dropping to sixth position in 2015.

Two other states broke into the top 5 briefly. Osun state took fifth position twice and fourth position once; while Edo state took third position once, and fifth position once.

JAMB’s admission process is guided by merit, university catchment area and grants advantage to educationally-less developed states.

The JAMB data were verified and validated by the National Bureau of Statistics, the bureau said.

Together, they provide an important glimpse into how the nation’s 36 states and Abuja compete when benchmarked by university admissions into various academic disciplines each year.