JUPEB exonerates DELSU of exam malpractice


The Joint Universities Preliminary Examinations Board (JUPEB) has cleared Delta State University, Abraka of any involvement in malpractice, according to a University management source.

JUPEB’s letter confirming the latest development is expected to reach DELSU this week, according to reports.

According to anonymous  on Monday evening, DELSU’s delisting as an affiliated member and JUPEB’s cancellation of the school’s 2021 preliminary examinations due to alleged widespread examination malpractices “was a miscarriage of justice.”

“JUPEB has reviewed the case and found out that DELSU was not among those involved in exam malpractice,” the source said.

“DELSU has been absolved”, he further stated explaining that “the institution (DELSU) is expecting JUPEB’s letter confirming the latest development this week”.

“The letter may be available either tomorrow or next. So the anxiety over DELSU JUPEB is cleared. We were never involved in malpractice and we had to protest that there must be a miscarriage of justice”, he submitted.

Another source said that the institution’s JUPEB Director did not attend the virtual meeting where the delisting decision was reached and so there was nobody to speak for the institution at that forum.

“The matter has been treated. We were never involved in malpractice,” the source insisted.

Reports has it that JUPEB had after a virtual meeting, addressed a letter dated January 25, 2022, to DELSU’s Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Andy Ogochukwu Egwunyenga.

That letter read partly, “Following the report received from the investigative panel regarding the conduct of the 2021 JUPEB examinations, the academic board and the JUPEB governing board approved that the indicted universities be delisted as an affiliate member of JUPEB for five years and the results of the examinations conducted in these universities be cancelled due to widespread malpractices”.

It read further, “Delta State University is one of the indicted universities hence, the Vice-Chancellor is hereby notified of the approval of JUPEB governing board.

“The governing board of JUPEB is also displeased with this outcome of the event, which was due to poor conduct of examinations in the university. The governing board of JUPEB at an emergency meeting held on January 25, 2022, has, therefore, directed that all students currently registered for 2021/2022 session of the programme in your university be moved to the nearest affiliate university to write the 2022 JUPEB examinations.

”The Vice-Chancellor is expected to decide and communicate to the registrar JUPEB, the nearby JUBEB approved university where the registered students can complete the programme studies and write 2022 examinations.”