UNILAG shuts hostels, begins contact tracing after students test positive for COVID-19


The management of the University of Lagos (UNILAG) has ordered students to vacate hostels on campus over fears of COVID-19. 

There were fears in the university community on Tuesday after a number of students contracted the disease. The development led the school management to convey an emergency Senate meeting on Wednesday.

In a statement issued after the meeting, the Senate said the students who tested positive for the disease, are being treated, and contact tracing already in place.

“The situation is, indeed, worrisome especially noting the reluctance of the majority of students to comply with the COV1D-19 prevention protocols,” the statement read.

“To avoid the escalation of cases on campus, the University Senate at an emergency meeting held on Wednesday, 14th of July 2021 approved that all students vacate the halls of residence by 12.00 pm on Thursday indefinitely.

Lectures for the rest of the semester will continue to be delivered virtually with effect from 26th July 2021.”

Sources within the school equally confirmed receiving a Whatsapp broadcast message from the Dean of Students Affairs (DSA) informing them to leave the school’s hostels.

“Lectures for the rest of the semester will be delivered virtually with effect from 26th July 2021,” the message added.

Before now, UNILAG’s management had raised the alarm over “flu-like symptoms which are similar to COVID-19.

“The Medical Centre hereby assures all members of the university community, that all necessary actions in line with the federal and Lagos State Government guidelines have been taken regarding this potential threat in our community.”