Appreciate people God used for you – Woli Arole


Nigerian prophet and comedian Woli Arole recently posted a message about the value of appreciation and thankfulness.

When they succeed, some people forget those who supported them along the way, he wrote on his Instagram page.

According to Woli Arole, God frequently employs other individuals to assist us on our journey and no one ever succeeds alone.

He exhorted his followers to cherish and remember the people who have positively influenced their life.

“A lot of people suddenly get Amnesia when they become successful. It’s Wrong. Don’t forget those that God used for you before you became successful, no MAN is made alone. God has used people for you.
Appreciate them, and be loud about them. Don’t be an ingrate.

Thank you, Jesus, for those you’ve used to HELP and RAISE. I appreciate those who have been part of my journey, too. To all my fans and friends modupe gan!!!!!!”.