Blackface speaks on song theft in Nigerian music industry


Nigerian performer Blackface has responded to the long-standing belief that he routinely accuses his peers of copying his work without giving him credit.

Blackface explained his position in a recent interview with TVC, stressing that none of the musicians he has accused have refuted the claims.

Blackface clarified that his work has served as an inspiration to many of his peers, who have used parts of his songs in their own compositions.

He emphasised, nevertheless, that the problem is that credit and appropriate acknowledgement are lacking.

Blackface argued that the fact that none of the accused artists have denied the allegations suggests that there may be some truth to his claims.

He said:

“People jack my vibes. They love them. It’s not their fault. If I was not me, I would be jacking me too.

“All my songs are being jacked because when you release a song it becomes a published work. The songs are all registered. There’s no song that’s released that’s not registered. Once it is in the public domain, it’s a published work. Was it published before your work?

“It’s not about whether I’ve viable proofs or not. The truth is that the action is wrong. So many Nigerian artists have jacked my songs. And these people that I’ve complained about, they have never for once denied it. So you people would have seen that and say there’s an iota of truth in what Blackface is saying.”