How boundaries helps build healthy relationships – Actress Beverly Naya

The Nollywood actress Beverly Naya has talked about how crucial it is to set boundaries in private relationships with people on social media.

Naya underlined in her Instagram post that establishing boundaries is essential to safeguarding one’s mental health and making room for deep relationships.

Although Naya acknowledged that she used to struggle with assertiveness, she stressed that being able to set limits had changed her life.

She claimed that she was uncomfortable establishing limits because she was worried that she would come across as overly strict or demanding.

She did, however, acknowledge that setting boundaries has made it easier for her to ward off toxic relationships and draw in positive ones.

She wrote:

“One of the most powerful lessons I’ve learnt is that setting boundaries isn’t just about protecting your peace…it’s about making space for the right people to stay in your life.

“I honestly used to struggle with saying ‘no’ or speaking up when something didn’t sit right with me, but the moment I began to clearly define what I could and couldn’t accept, something magical happened: the right people respected my boundaries, and those who didn’t naturally faded away.

“At first, it felt uncomfortable…like I was being too harsh or difficult. But the truth is, when you create boundaries, you’re not being difficult, you’re choosing yourself