How my incantations in movies affect my personal life – Babalawo character, Alebiosu


Adewale Alebiosu, the popular Babalawo or Ifa priest character in Yoruba movies, has revealed that reciting some incantations in movies had some negative effects on him in real life.

Alebiosu told BBB Yoruba that he was just doing his job as an actor and had no idea the incantations he was reciting would come back to haunt him in real life.

Alebiosu said, “I never knew there was so much more to the incantations I was delivering. I thought I was just delivering my lines, not knowing there are repercussions to follow. Whenever I get home after the act, while I sleep I would see some strange beings and some would turn to goats and start biting me.”

Alebiosu warned that the coming generation who wants to play the role of a Babalawo should be very careful and be ready to be prayerful. According to him, the role requires all sorts of precautions.

“I’m saying this to warn them so that they don’t end up regretting their lives or ending up miserably,” he said.