“I die here”- Regina Daniels claps back at demands to leave Ned Nwoko

Regina Daniels, the well-known Nollywood actress married to billionaire politician and businessman Ned Nwoko, has once again surprised both her supporters and critics by sharing a strong message aimed at those who continue to pressure her to leave her husband.

The movie star presented undeniable proof by sharing a private WhatsApp conversation that offered a revealing glimpse into the depth of her marriage.

In the revealing conversation, Regina casually told her husband about her plans to have dinner with friends, assuring him that she wouldn’t be out late. However, what followed provided an unexpected insight into their relationship dynamic.

Ned, frequently perceived as aloof because of his wealth and status, quickly displayed a protective concern. He inquired not only about who Regina was going out with but also requested the names and videos of her friends.

This moment revealed just how attentively he monitors her, showcasing a side of Ned that the public seldom witnesses—a man genuinely concerned about his wife’s safety and well-being, beyond merely wanting her near.

A few hours later, Ned sent a more heartfelt message, encouraging Regina to stay home and rest rather than exhausting herself by going out. He gently reminded her to take care of herself. The message ended with a straightforward declaration of love, revealing a depth of emotion that contradicts the superficial narratives others have crafted about their marriage.

However, Regina wasn’t merely sharing this chat to highlight her husband’s care; she had a message to convey, and she delivered it with clarity. In her signature bold style, Regina Daniels took aim at her critics—those who have persistently questioned her choice to marry Ned.

In one concise, unapologetic caption, Regina made it abundantly clear that she has no plans to leave Ned Nwoko anytime soon. “I die there,” she stated firmly, leaving no room for misinterpretation.

She captioned:

“Such an understanding hubby. And people say I should leave?? I die here”.