INTERVIEW: Promoters are artistes’ biggest challenges in Nigeria – Jayz-U


Ajetumobi Yusuf Opeyemi professionally known as Jayz-U is an up and coming rapper. He has been in the music industry industry for over 15 years and has over 50 songs to his credit. NewsClick Nigeria recently caught up with him on his journey so far in the music industry. 

Excerpts below: 

Can you please introduce yourself?

I am Ajetumobi Yusuf Opeyemi also known as Jayz-U. Im a musical artiste, a rapper to be precise. I do music and video directing too.

How long have you been in the music industry?

I have been in the music industry for 15 years now

What have been your biggest challenge so far in the industry?

I will say promoters. I have met different kinds of promoters who just want to collect the little money you have. We are in a deceitful world, people just want to collect from you and deceive you. My biggest challenge is having someone that is ready to understand me, who will support financially and every other aspect. Someone who will invest in me. So my biggest challenge is promotions. I have met a lot of scammers. People think because we are in street, we have to belong to some certain things before we can get to where we are going to, but Alhamdulillahi we start strong.

Have you release any album or singles so far?

I have a lot of songs. My first single was recorded in 2008. I have recorded over 50 songs but I just have to start over. I dropped a single in 2020 titled ‘deceitful world’. I’m really pushing the single now and I believe it will take me to my limelight.

Where do you see yourself in the next five years?

I see myself singing with Jcole, Kendrick Lamar, even have a feature with Lil Wayne. My ambition is far away from here, I’m not talking about Nigerian artiste, I’m talking of international artistes that are learned and educated. I see myself working with those groups. I see myself in a very big place but not to the extent of me taking life as something   because I want to live beyond this world.  I don’t want to be a big star and have earthly things without having Allah. I want people to see me and see that there is Allah with me and through me move closer to God.

Who is your biggest motivator?

I use myself as motivation, I am my own mentor. Although I have some people that I look up to whom can also be called my role models. I cherish them so much. Someone like Vector the Viper, Wande Coal, Davido, Ycee, Kendrick Lamar, Jcole even Christiano Ronaldo despite being a footballer, I have learnt a whole lot from him. These are people I look up to. I tap different knowledge from them.

What advice do you have for younger people who want to come into the industry?

Anything you want to do make sure your parents is in love with it or accept it. Make sure they support you and pray for you. Make sure you are very respectful to your parents.

No matter what you want to do in music industry just understand that music generally irrespective of the genre once you put in instrumental, it is devilish. Also have it at the back of your mind that you wont get to fame instantly, you have to have perseverance. Attach yourself to God because it is only God that can do it. Also know that you can become whatever you want to become without doing something God doesn’t want us to do.

How did your family react when you told them that you want to venture into Music?

At first, they felt like they cant accept it. I made sure that I listened to them and didn’t do any thing bad. I remain a good child with good morals despite the industry. It got to a point I made sure my mum supported me a little bit. I’ll go for shows at night and come back early in the morning to call to prayer. So I continued doing my thing, they were actually scared that I will drink, smoke or become wayward but since that didn’t happen they just accepted me for who I am. I got their blessing because I didn’t trespass. I listened to them, counselled them and still talk to them about God.