Men don’t forgive cheating- Actor Seun Jimoh


In a recent statement, Seun Jimoh, a renowned Yoruba actor, emphatically conveyed his belief that men are generally unforgiving when it comes to instances of infidelity. This assertion sheds light on his perspective on the challenges surrounding trust and fidelity in relationships, adding nuance to the complexities of human emotions and forgiveness dynamics.

This revelation was shared by the actor in a post on his Instagram page on Monday.

Jimoh cautioned women against disclosing their extramarital affairs or infidelity to their partners.

Supporting his counsel, the actor clarified that men, in his view, do not easily overlook instances of infidelity. This underscores the rationale behind his recommendation for women to discreetly handle and keep their mistakes hidden.

He wrote: “Dear female, I know this may be a hard pill for men to swallow, if you ever by mistake cheat on your man, don’t ever confess! keep it between you and God.

“Men don’t forgive cheating and if they forgive you, they will hold it over and punish you with it for the rest of your life.”