Nollywood actor wants to be Nigeria’s president


Yul Edochie, popular actor and son of veteran actor Pete Edochie has said he wants to be Nigeria’s President.

The actor said he will be Nigeria’s best President ever after a fan said the actor is needed as Nigeria’s next president.

Yul said that if Nigerian youths could realize their power and support him like they supported BBNaija housemates, he would surely become the president of Nigeria.

He said he would unite the country and appoint people who were credible to work irrespective of their tribe or religion.

Yul Edochie is one of the few Nollywood stars who double as politicians. Previously, he was appointed Senior Special Adviser to Governor Willie Obiano of Anambra State on Creative & Entertainment Media.

The actor however, resigned and dumped APGA for PDP then.

Before his appointment, he contested to become the governor of Anambra State.