Outrage Over Sex For Skit Role Allegations Against Comedian, Isbae U


Social media has been on fire since popular Instagram comedian Isbae U came under fire for allegedly demanding sex from ladies before featuring them in his skits.

On Sunday, Isbae U became a subject of discussion, topping social media trends especially on Twitter with over 10,000 tweets.

A lady who called him out in the early hours of Sunday morning alleged that the comedian was fond of showing off his private parts on video, while promising to send her money but would renege on his promise.

Hours after these claims were made, two ladies came forward with evidence alluding to the fact that the comedian had propositioned them for sex in exchange for a feature in his skits.

Here are some reactions since the sex for skit scandal broke out;

Reacting, Dami Adenuga @DAMIADENUGA said: “Bae U has been accused of inappropriate and unprofessional behaviour, he was accused of asking a woman to sleep with him before allowing her feature in his comedy skit.”

Razak Adeniyi @RazaqDesigner said: “He asked for sex to feature you in his skit. It’s your choice to agree or decline.”

@__izuchukwu argued: So bae u asks for sex in exchange for a role (haven’t seen any instances of rape) All these girls had two options: 1. Kindly refuse, 2. 2. Accept the terms, 3. Most of them accepted and now they’re blaming him for what exactly?

@letveeplay posited that: “They’re not blaming him, they are calling him out. Just as he can demand for sex from them, they can call him out on it too. It is not commendable that you chat up girls, offer to do a skit with them and then tell them they must sleep with him first. It is wrong.

@phamography_ said: “Listen, what Bae U did is absurd and morally wrong. I’m in no support of such. However, he hasn’t committed any crime.”

@drpenking said: “Imagine how Bae U girlfriend will feel about realizing that she is dating a video call preeq after probably boasting to all her friends that she got the best guy in the world, popular and all. May we not date somebody that will turn us into a National embarrassment”

@ireunusal advised: This Bae U and Mason Greenwood matter are synonymous, and its talking about the weakness of a man when it comes to “SEX” men should learn to control their urges, incase u never know, women can finish your career in life if u can’t control ur sexual urge as a man, Caution Kings!