Stop comparing Funke Akindele to Taraji P Henson – Enioluwa Adeoluwa


Influencer Enioluwa Adeoluwa has offered his thoughts on the frequent comparisons between Hollywood star Taraji P. Henson and Nigerian actress Funke Akindele.

He said he didn’t enjoy remarks that called Funke Akindele the “Nigerian version” of Taraji Henson.

Without limiting Funke Akindele to another person, Enioluwa underlined the significance of acknowledging and valuing her distinct accomplishments and contributions to the Nigerian film industry as an individual.

He acknowledged Taraji Henson’s impressive record but argued that comparing Funke Akindele to her diminishes the Nollywood star’s impressive accomplishments.

Instead, Enioluwa celebrated Funke Akindele as a trailblazing actress and box office record-breaker in her own right, stating:

“I really don’t like seeing comments calling Aunty Funke the “Nigerian version of Taraji P. Henson.” As much as I love Taraji and admire her work, I don’t understand the constant need to compare our icons to Western figures.

Funke Akindele is The Funke Akindele—an unstoppable box office record breaker. She’s not a version of anyone but herself.”