Tonto Dikeh dares trolls who threatened to leak her nudes on Instagram


Tonto Dikeh wants you to leak her nudes if you have the actual images, and her reason is simple: she spent a lot of money to go under the knife and alter her body.

Drama started when an anonymous page sent her a direct blackmail message, asking her to pay up or they will be leaking the alleged photos of her in their custody.

And Dikeh fired back at them with an epic rant.

“THESE ONES ARE STILL LEARNING, IF I GIVE YOU GUYS A DIRTY SLAP YOU WILL RELEASE MY NUDES TODAY.. How dare you have my nudes and decide to release it at weekend,” she began, adding, “Do you know how much I have spent on my body so far.. Don’t play with me, RELEASE THE SHIT LETS MAKE MONEY.. I WANNA BLOW SO DONT LET ME DROP IT BEFORE YOU LAD!!”

But then she made it clear that she will hunt you down if you release a photoshopped version. “I WILL SHOOT YOU IN THE HEAD AND GO TO JAIL, I will hunt you down and do really bad things to everyone you Love.. DARE ME DARE ME DARE ME DARE ME.”