Why Hollywood doesn’t like working with Nollywood – John Boyega explains


British-Nigerian actor John Boyega has shed light on the complications that prevent fruitful collaborations between Hollywood and Nollywood.

Despite current barriers, Boyega emphasised Hollywood’s sincere desire to collaborate with Nollywood during his remarks at the Africa International Film Festival.

Boyega claims that several Nigerian filmmakers struggle to build productive working relationships because of pride and ego issues.

He commended Nollywood’s distinct storytelling style, which is based on real-life events and sets its stories apart from Hollywood’s frequently dramatic subjects.

Boyega pointed out that in an effort to mimic a Hollywood look, Nollywood producers usually choose South African settings.

He used the example of the movie “Woman King,” which was originally supposed to be made in Nigeria but was abruptly moved.

Watch him speak below:


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