Why I don’t want to be the type of man my dad was towards women – Clarence Peters


Nigerian music video director Clarence Peters has talked candidly about his tense relationship with his father, renowned juju performer Shina Peters.

In a recent WithChude podcast episode, Peters discussed his perspective on his father’s previous transgressions, including how his treatment of women affected his relationship philosophy.

He revealed that Shina, 66, “screwed up” by not doing enough to protect his celebrity mother Clarion Chukwura, 60, who he said “was blackballed by his (Shina’s) colleagues”.

The 41-year-old revealed that the event had a significant effect on him and that he has deliberately tried to avoid making the same mistakes his father did when it came to his interactions with women.

“My dad screwed up, I mean using the word screwed up is me putting it lightly because his colleagues blackballed my mum and she was already dealing with a lot of trauma from when she was young,” he said.

“In making ‘Inside Life’, I started to discover some of the things I did not know. Episode 5 of ‘Inside Life’ is written by my cousin who went through that and so my mum went through the script and started crying because she all went through the same thing.

“We keep forgetting that it was a different time. My mum told me recently that he has been with women, drove some of the amazing cars, stayed in the best houses, hotels, he has had money. He is approaching his 70s, death is certain because we are all going to die.

“All he can do now is pray to God to forgive him and that is all that he has and so we have had that conversation. My father has made mistakes that I have also made, so I can’t judge him. I can relate to the mistakes that my father has made.

“As much as I was raised by mother, one of my greatest fears was not to be my father to the opposite sex. I have been a version of that, so I am not a saint. So I cannot judge him. I would like to but I am in the position to.”