Why I hid one hand in my birthday photos – Saidi Balogun


Veteran Nollywood actor Saidi Balogun has talked about his hardships in the previous year, which include the tragic death of his daughter.

Speaking candidly, Saidi Balogun said that although the difficulties he encountered tried his faith and fortitude, he is still thankful for his loved ones’ support.

He also made reference to a birthday photo shoot earlier this month in which he only showed one hand, suggesting a recent health problem.

The actor celebrated his birthday on February 5th by dressing in a flowing “agbada” robe and a white cap. Many admirers were taken aback by the actor’s obvious concealment of one hand in the pictures, which raised alarming concerns.

To explain further, Saidi Balogun shared a picture showcasing his injured hand, which was heavily bandaged and looked quite swollen.

The actor captioned the photos:

“It has been a tough ride. Last year, February, on my birthday, I was optimistic with lots of laid out plans, and then came the challenges I never envisioned. 

“The worst of which was losing my precious loving and lovable daughter, this broke me in pieces beyond human comprehension. 

“Thank God for people who stood by me during those trying times. I started this year with hope, and then, a few days before my birthday, the devil struck again… for those who have been asking, this is the reason why my birthday shoot had only one hand displayed. 

“All in all, I will keep saying Alhamdulilah, for Allah will never forsake us. Challenges will come to test your strength, so never lose your faith, remain strong and steadfast. May the Almighty be with us all”.