Why I took break from music to go to school – Duncan Mighty


The well-known singer from Nigeria, Duncan Mighty, recently disclosed that he put his studies first and took a hiatus from music. he is aiming to earn a doctorate in philosophy (PhD).

Duncan Mighty recently discussed his academic goals in an interview with 3Music TV in Accra, Ghana. He disclosed that he graduated from Freiburg University in Germany with a Master of Science (MSc) in Acoustics.

Duncan Mighty believes that talent is insufficient on its own. He thinks that in order to succeed, one needs to support their creative ability with a formal education.

He highlights how crucial it is to take leadership of one’s profession or business, saying that acquiring the knowledge and abilities necessary for sustained success is a must.

Duncan Mighty extolled the virtue of education as the one thing that endures into old life. Even if they were not able to attend school when their parents were alive, he urged everyone to do so.

In his words:

Taking a break from music wasn’t a difficult decision. Most importantly, you must be able to equip yourself. You must be in charge of your career or business. For me, talent is not enough, music is not enough.

“I have to back it up with education. Studying in an international community like Freiburg University… It is not an English-speaking university. You had to do Dutch language courses for six months, then you would be admitted to school.

“But I give God praise. I think education is the only thing that remains with you even in old age. So if you cannot go to school when you parents could send, you should go when you can send yourself. That was why I took a break from music. I’m not done with education yet. I must have a PhD.”

“If you’re not educated, someone is out there waiting to use everything you have made. Be careful, it is not about singing today. It’s called recording business.”