COVID-19: UI Resumes Online Classes


Following the series of deaths that have been recorded as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the University of Ibadan (UI) has directed its faculties to begin online classes.

The University which earlier suspended the online classes after physical classes were resumed, has requested that online classes should begin.

In a statement released by the Registrar of the institution, Olubunmi Faluyi, an arrangement has been made to get vaccines for staff and students.

The statement read, “This is to inform the University community that Management has requested the Faculties to identify the courses to be taught online and those to be taught physically en route to the commencement of the blended mode of teaching and learning for the remaining part of the second semester of the 2020/2021 session.

“The Emergency Remote Teaching Committee (ERTC), in its proposal to the Committee of Provosts and Deans (COPD), in a meeting, held on the 11th August 2021, had noted and recommended as follows:

“With the daily rising cases of the Delta variant of Covid-19, and with several cases within the main and the College of Medicine/UCH campuses, the ERTC considered a proposal of blended teaching for the second-semester lectures in the University.
“Management should note the poor compliance with COVID-19 protocols by the entire University community and should ensure strict compliance through the University’s Covid- 19 Committee.

“If the situation worsens on campus, full online engagement should be mounted for all courses as was done in the first semester, exempting only departments and units with special needs with the condition that evident strict compliance with the protocols will be observed.

“Arrangements are ongoing to make vaccines available for all staff and students as soon as possible. Details will be provided as more progress is made.

“In the meantime, we all need to take personal responsibility for our safety by obeying all COVID-19 safety protocols. If we do this, there will be no cause for panic on our campus,’’ the statement further stated.