Third Mainland bridge safe for use, FG assures motorists


The Federal Ministry of Works, Power and Housing on Sunday, said that the Third Mainland bridge is safe and does not pose any structural danger to the motorists, Daily trust report.

A video clip on facebook had shown a gap in the expansion joint of the bridge, depicting weakness of the bridge.

But the ministry, in a statement yesterday, said the expansion joint on the bridge was one of those slated for change during repairs to the bridge, which according to the ministry, would commence soon.

The ministry said, “It is still functioning and our engineers and consultants have advised that it does not pose any structural danger to the bridge and it is safe to use.

“Commuters and Lagos residents will recall that the Third Mainland bridge was shut down for a three-day ‘Investigative Maintenance’ in August 2018. Tests done on the expansion joints then – static and dynamic load tests – were to check functionality. A number of expansion joints were identified for replacement then.

“In March this year, underwater confirmatory tests preceding the repair works to be done on the bridge were carried out on the piles to determine if there is further deterioration or not on the piles from that done in 2013.

“However, all the tests done preparatory to closure of the bridge to commence comprehensive maintenance works indicated that the integrity of the bridge is intact. The expansion joints to be replaced are part of a regular bridge maintenance programme that has been neglected for decades which the President Muhammadu Buhari administration is now addressing frontally on many bridges nationwide.

“Such maintenance works include resurfacing of the bridge, along with several others, which this administration is also undertaking as the bridge users will attest to a better driving surface.”