Troops neutralise 12 bandits in Kaduna


Troops from 1 Division in Kaduna neutralised 12 bandits on Thursday after a covert operation in some village markets in the state.

Army Spokesman, Brig.-Gen. Texas Chukwu said in a statement on Saturday that the operation was conducted in Kidandan, Maidaro and Sabon Fili villages where the bandits patronised the village markets to restock supplies and other necessities.

According to him, after a tip off, troops and vigilante groups infiltrated the market on clandestine operation to identify the bandits.

“A few hours later on appearance of other uniformed troops to arrest the identified bandits, serious fire fight ensued between troops and the fleeing bandits.

“In the process, due to superior fire power of our own troops, 12 of the fleeing bandits were neutralised,’’ Chukwu said.

He said that 32 motorcycles, five handsets and N9, 135 cash were recovered from the bandits.