[HEALTH TIPS] 7 Key indicators your heart is working fine


The heart plays one of the most important roles in keeping you alive. It pumps and filters blood, ensuring it reaches all the body’s cells to supply them with oxygen and nutrients, keeping them alive and functioning.

So, how to know if your heart is working fine? Here are the top 7 signs of a healthy heart that your body may show up.

Signs of a Healthy Heart You Should Know

Look out for these subtle signs and symptoms that can clearly indicate that your heart is healthy and working fine:

Healthy Cholesterol Levels

the first parameter to check if your heart is healthy is to know if your cholesterol levels are under check. Cholesterol plays an essential role in your body, but high levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) can increase the risk of plaque buildup in your arteries, leading to heart disease.

Good Blood Pressure Levels

The next important parameter is to check if your blood pressure levels are fine. Why? Blood pressuremeasures the force of blood against your artery walls as your heart pumps. A normal blood pressure reading is generally around 120/80 mmHg.

Normal Resting Heart Rate

One of the most significant signs of a healthy heart is having a normal resting heart rate (the number of times your heart beats per minute while you’re at rest). As per experts, for a healthy heart, one’s resting heart rate should be between 60 and 100 beats per minute.

Healthy Energy Levels

Another ideal indicator of a healthy heart is to have your energy levels on the right track — not feeling tired or fatigued all the time. Yes, you read that right! Feeling energetic and active after a good night’s sleep is a clear sign that your heart is working fine.

Good Exercise Tolerance

Your ability to engage in physical activity without experiencing discomfort, breathlessness, or fatigue is another strong indicator of heart health. Exercise tolerance refers to how well your cardiovascular system can handle physical stress, such as brisk walking, jogging, swimming, or cycling.

Steady Breathing Patterns

Look at your breathing pattern to know whether your heart is working fine or not. Steady, unlabored breathing, both at rest and during physical activity, is a reassuring sign that your heart is supplying sufficient oxygen to your body.

Healthy Weight

Keeping a healthy weight is crucial for your heart. Excess weight can strain your heart, increasing the risk of heart disease. A Body Mass Index (BMI) between 18.5 and 24.9 is considered healthy. If you fall within this range and maintain an active lifestyle, it’s a good indication that your heart is likely in great shape. Keeping an eye on your weight will help you stick to your heart health goals.