[HEALTH TIPS] Four important ‘bedroom performance’ benefits of banana for men


Before we get to the benefits of bananas for men, you should know that this classic fruit holds a lot of nutritional power.

A 100-gram banana (about a medium-sized banana) has a high potassium content and contains vitamins and minerals like manganese, folate, vitamin B6, and vitamin C. The fruit is also rich in antioxidants, electrolytes, and amino acids like tryptophan.

One banana is also low in calories, with very little protein or fat, since it’s mostly water and carbohydrates.

When part of a balanced diet, bananas can improve overall health and contribute to better long-term sexual function.

The most common type of banana is the Cavendish, the large yellow fruit found in grocery stores. But other varieties, like plantains and lady fingers, are just as nutritious.

Banana Benefits for Men

Has there ever been a more phallic fruit than the banana? We’ve never seen one. Beyond the suggestive shape, banana benefits for men might give you a boost in the bedroom.

Most of us know this classic breakfast staple is good for us. Rich in B vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants, bananas support digestion, heart health, and normal blood sugar levels. But can this common fruit also support sexual health?

We’ll explore various banana benefits for men. Find out if eating bananas can improve sexual issues like erectile dysfunction (ED) and low libido and whether there’s any research to back up these claims. We’ll also cover what else you can do to improve your sexual performance safely and effectively.

Whether eaten on toast with peanut butter or thrown into a smoothie, bananas add a bit of sweetness to everyday recipes. They also offer many nutrients and essential vitamins that may improve your sex life.

Traditional medicine uses all parts of the banana plant (Musa acuminata) — the fruit, peel, stem, leaves, and roots — to treat a wide range of diseases, including fever, cough, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

But when it comes to the benefits of bananas sexually, there aren’t many studies on the direct impact this fruit has on conditions like ED or low libido. In fact, some researchers think that, like rhino horn and oysters, bananas may have a reputation as an aphrodisiac simply because they resemble genitalia.

Despite the limited research on bananas and sexual function, the benefits of bananas for men’s overall health shouldn’t be discounted. One of the best ways to improve your sex life is to improve your whole-body health. And healthy eating is a big part of that.

As you’ll see below, the nutrients found in bananas can bolster various aspects of your overall health. Bananas contribute to better heart health, fight free radicals, support digestion, and more. All these benefits can indirectly boost your sexual function.

Before we get to the benefits of bananas for men, you should know that this classic fruit holds a lot of nutritional power.

A 100-gram banana (about a medium-sized banana) has a high potassium content and contains vitamins and minerals like manganese, folate, vitamin B6, and vitamin C. The fruit is also rich in antioxidants, electrolytes, and amino acids like tryptophan.

One banana is also low in calories, with very little protein or fat, since it’s mostly water and carbohydrates.

According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), 100 grams of raw banana contains:

  • 89 calories

  • 22.84 grams of carbs

  • 12.23 grams of sugars

  • 0.33 grams of fat

  • 2.6 grams of dietary fiber

  • 358 milligrams of potassium

  • 8.7 milligrams of vitamin C

  • 5 milligrams of calcium

  • 27 milligrams of magnesium

  • 20 micrograms of folate

  • 9.8 milligrams of choline

Keep reading to learn how nutrient-rich bananas contribute to overall wellness — and possibly sexual health.

Banana Benefits for Men’s Health

When part of a balanced diet, bananas can improve overall health and contribute to better long-term sexual function.

The most common type of banana is the Cavendish, the large yellow fruit found in grocery stores. But other varieties, like plantains and lady fingers, are just as nutritious.

Some research shows that bananas benefit health because they:

  • May improve blood sugar levels

  • Can increase energy levels

  • Could support digestive health

  • May help heart health

Keep scrolling for details.

1. Bananas May Improve Blood Sugar Levels

While bananas are higher in sugar, they’re also rich in soluble fiber. Eating enough fiber can help lower glucose levels (also known as blood sugar levels).

Unripe bananas also contain resistant starch, which the body can’t digest, but they become more digestible as they ripen. In some studies, resistant starch has been shown to lower blood sugar levels, although more research is needed.

How This Impacts Sex

This banana benefit is important since managing your blood sugar levels helps prevent more serious health problems like type 2 diabetes and heart disease — two major risk factors for ED.

Your blood sugar can also affect your sex drive. How so? People with poorly managed diabetes may have a lower libido.

2. Bananas Can Increase Your Energy Levels

Bananas are often eaten before and during workouts as an energy source. Research shows their unique mix of carbohydrates, nutrients, and antioxidants can boost energy levels and dopamine, leading to better athletic performance.

You might even see fitness influencers who praise the combination of bananas and honey as a pre- or post-workout snack that maximizes performance.

Studies show that carbohydrates like bananas and honey may indeed increase athletic endurance.

How This Impacts Sex

Whether there are direct benefits of banana and honey sexually, we can’t say for sure. However, more energy may lead to more exercise and improved sexual stamina in bed.

More exercise can also aid weight loss if you have overweight or obesity (another risk factor for ED) and lower your risk of chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease, which can impact sexual function.

Increased dopamine (a neurotransmitter involved in reward-seeking behavior) may also be good for your libido and erectile health.

3. Bananas Could Support Digestive Health

As mentioned before, bananas are an excellent source of fiber, which can support digestive health.

Resistant starch — the indigestible type found in green bananas — acts as a prebiotic. As it ferments in the large intestine, it feeds good bacteria in your gut and supports gut health.

Another dietary fiber found in bananas is pectin, a soluble fiber. Pectin may also improve bowel function and prevent constipation.

How This Impacts Sex

Eating foods that could improve your digestion certainly won’t hurt your sexual performance. A small sample of 60 men found that those with erectile dysfunction had significant differences in gut health than those without ED.

Research has also found that about 95 percent of serotonin (the feel-good hormone that partially controls libido) is produced by gut microbes. Although the mechanism isn’t clear, healthy gut microbes may also be connected to male reproduction.

4. Bananas May Help Heart Health

One nutrient bananas are rich in — and possibly most known for — is potassium. This mineral is vital for heart health and can potentially lower blood pressure. However, despite its importance, many people don’t get enough potassium in their diets.

One way to get the potassium your body needs without consulting a dietitian? Eat a medium-sized banana. It provides about 10 percent of the recommended daily value of potassium.

Older studies have found that increasing potassium intake and decreasing sodium intake can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, such as heart disease and stroke.

Another key mineral for heart health is magnesium. A magnesium deficiency may be linked to an increased risk of heart disease and high blood pressure (hypertension).

Bananas contain about eight percent of the recommended daily value of magnesium. So they could be part of the solution to increasing your magnesium intake, along with a balanced diet or supplements.

How This Impacts Sex

Erectile dysfunction is often the first sign of heart disease. After all, erections depend on proper blood flow, and heart disease can impede healthy blood flow.

According to the American Heart Association, cardiovascular disease can also affect a man’s ability to achieve orgasm.

Our guide on high blood pressure and ED offers more detail on this topic.