Kano leading all 36 states in Coronavirus tests – NCDC


The Kano State Government has been applauded by the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC), for taking the lead in the test for Coronavirus in the country.

“Kano is testing more than any state in Nigeria,” the NCDC Director General, Dr Chikwe Ihekweazu, said, commending Governor Abdullahi Umar Ganduje for his response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

A statement by the Chief Press Secretary (CPS) to the Kano State Governor Abba Anwar, said the NCDC chief, urged other states to emulate the Kano State response model.

Ihekweazu acknowledged that Kano State no longer has active index cases as it had before, and the NCDC has confidence in the state’s status.

It was gathered that the Kano state government is happy with the applause by the NCDC. “This commendation will encourage the governor and all of us in Kano to do more in the fight against Coronavirus,” a government official said.