5 Things you should not do around kids


Kids are like sponges, constantly absorbing information from their surroundings. Their innocent minds are easily influenced by the words and actions they witness, shaping their understanding of the world and how to navigate it.

Therefore, it’s crucial for adults to be mindful of their behavior in the presence of children, ensuring they’re setting positive examples and fostering healthy development.

Here are five acts to avoid around kids :

  •   Yelling and Arguing

Loud voices and angry words can be scary for kids. Try to resolve conflicts calmly and respectfully. Swearing or using offensive language can be confusing and upsetting for children.

  • Gossiping

Talking negatively about others teaches kids that it’s okay to spread rumors and be unkind.

  •  Engaging in Inappropriate Behavior

This includes any behavior that could be considered sexually suggestive, using excessive profanity, or consuming excessive amounts of alcohol or drugs. Children are impressionable and may mimic the behaviors they witness, leading to potential long-term consequences.

  •   Showing Disrespect

Whether it’s to your partner, a family member, or even a stranger, showing disrespect teaches kids that it’s acceptable behavior. Even if you and your ex-partner have a strained relationship, it’s crucial to refrain from speaking negatively about them in front of your children. This includes criticizing their parenting style, making disparaging remarks about their character, or sharing private details about your relationship. Doing so can damage your child’s relationship with their other parent and create feelings of confusion and anxiety.

  • Using Technology Excessively

In today’s digital age, it’s easy to get caught up in the constant buzz of social media, emails, and other digital distractions. However, it’s important to prioritize face-to-face interaction with your children. Put away your phone, turn off the TV, and give them your undivided attention. This shows them that they are important and valued.

Remember kids learn by example. By modeling positive behavior, you’re helping them grow into kind, respectful, and well-adjusted individuals.