7 Common greetings that instantly turn people off


First impressions matter, and the way you greet someone can set the tone for the entire conversation. While most greetings seem harmless, some can unintentionally push people away.

Here are seven common greetings that can instantly turn people off:


1. “Hey, you!” :

This greeting can feel impersonal or even rude, especially if the person doesn’t remember your name. It lacks warmth and can make the other person feel unimportant.


 2. “Guess who?” :

Surprising someone from behind or expecting them to recognize your voice can be annoying. If they don’t know who you are right away, it can create an awkward moment.


3.  “Sup?” or “Yo!” :

These ultra-casual greetings can come across as lazy or indifferent, especially in professional or unfamiliar settings. They don’t show enthusiasm or respect.


4. “Long time, no see!” :

While this might seem friendly, it can make the other person feel guilty for not staying in touch. Instead, try something more positive, like “It’s great to see you again!”


 5.  “You look tired!” :

This greeting may seem like concern, but it can make the other person self-conscious. Instead of pointing out their appearance, try a simple “How are you?”


6.  “Do you remember me?” :

Putting someone on the spot like this can create pressure and embarrassment. Instead, introduce yourself first to make things easier for them.


7.  Silence or a Blank Stare :

Failing to greet someone at all can be just as off-putting as a bad greeting. A simple smile and a “Hello” can go a long way in making a good impression.



A warm and friendly greeting sets the stage for a great interaction. Instead of using these awkward phrases, try a simple “Hi, [Name]!” or “Nice to see you!” to make a positive impact.