8 Unprofessional phrases to avoid at work


The way you communicate at work can impact how colleagues and managers perceive you. Using unprofessional language can make you seem unprepared, careless, or even rude.

To maintain a professional image, here are eight phrases you should avoid in the workplace and what to say instead.


1.  “That’s Not My Job” :

This phrase makes you seem unwilling to help and can hurt teamwork. Instead, try:

✔️ “I’d be happy to assist, but I may need some guidance.”


2.  “I Don’t Know” :

While honesty is important, this response sounds unhelpful. Instead, say:

✔️ “I’ll find out and get back to you.”


3.  “I Think…” :

Saying “I think” can make you sound uncertain. For more confidence, say:

✔️ “Based on my understanding, I believe…”


4.  “That’s How We’ve Always Done It”: 

This phrase resists change and innovation. A better alternative is:

✔️  “I see why we do it this way, but I’m open to new ideas.”


5.  “No Problem” :

Though it sounds polite, it may imply the request was inconvenient. Instead, say:

✔️  “You’re welcome!” or “Happy to help!”


6. “I’ll Try” :

Saying “I’ll try” can make you seem unsure. Instead, be confident:

✔️ “I will do my best.”


7.  “That’s Not Fair” :

This phrase sounds like complaining rather than problem-solving. Instead, say:

✔️ “Can we discuss this to find a solution?”


8.  “I Just Assumed…” :

Assumptions can lead to mistakes. Instead, communicate clearly:

✔️ “To clarify, I want to confirm…”



Your words shape your professional reputation. By avoiding these unprofessional phrases and using more positive alternatives, you can improve workplace communication and create better relationships with colleagues.