[FOODIES CORNER] Basic recipe for cooking Ekwang (Ekpang Nkukwo)


Ekwang also known as ekpang nkukwo is a traditional Nigerian and dish native to the Efiks and Ibibios. It is also widely enjoyed in Cameroon and very popular with the Bakweri tribe.

It is made of freshly grated cocoyam, then wrapped in leafy greens and slowly simmered with various types of fresh or smoked meat, fish, crayfish, red oil and other spices depending on the cooks preference until cooked to perfection.

Keep this in consideration when making ekwang.

So you’ve heard that ekwang is tedious, time consuming to make but still crave it… long for it …and want to make it.


You are not alone!

I am going to show you how to make it and a few pointers and short cuts to satisfy your craving.


It’s pretty popular in the southwest part of the country.



 ekpang nkukwo

  • There are many varieties of cocoyam, for this recipe, the red cocoyam is best. However, you can use white ones with good results, but you have to dry it out. Buy it a couple of days before using it and let it dry out before you clean and use it.
  • Although it is traditionally made with cocoyam leaves or sweet bitter leaves, you can use any fresh leafy greens available such as collard greens, spinach, or even romaine lettuce, or a combination. What I use depends on what is available. Pick the ones without holes or tears.
  • If you have a grater and are up for it, then, by all means, use it. But the majority of us don’t have the time to grate the cocoyam, so to shorten this process you can use a food processor to grate the cocoyam.
  • Keep the stirring to a minimum to prevent the ekwang from becoming mushy.





