[FOODIES CORNER] Meals suitable for people above 50


Nigeria is known for its rich and diverse cuisine, and there are several meals that are suitable for people above 50.

These meals are often nutritious, easy to digest, and can provide the necessary nutrients for maintaining good health especially for people above 50.

Below are a few:

Moin Moin: Moin Moin is a Nigerian steamed bean pudding made from black-eyed peas. It is high in protein and fiber, making it a nutritious and filling meal option.

Efo Riro: Efo Riro is a traditional vegetable soup made with a variety of greens such as spinach, kale, or ugu (pumpkin leaves). It is typically cooked with meat or fish and seasoned with spices. This soup is packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Ewedu Soup: Ewedu soup is a popular Nigerian soup made from jute leaves. It is often served with amala (yam flour) or pounded yam. Ewedu is low in calories and rich in vitamins A, C, and E, as well as fiber.

Okra Soup: Okra soup is a favorite Nigerian dish made with okra, tomatoes, onions, and spices. It is often cooked with meat or seafood. Okra is a good source of vitamins and minerals and is known for its high fiber content.

Oatmeal: While not traditionally Nigerian, oatmeal is a healthy and versatile breakfast option for people above 50. It can be cooked with milk or water and topped with fruits, nuts, or honey for added flavor and nutrients.

Chicken Stir-Fry with Brown Rice: Stir-fried chicken breast with an assortment of colorful vegetables like bell peppers, mushrooms, and snap peas can provide lean protein and a range of vitamins. Serve it over nutrient-rich brown rice for a satisfying meal.

Lentil Soup with Whole Grain Bread: Lentils are packed with fiber, protein, and essential nutrients. Prepare a hearty lentil soup with vegetables like carrots, celery, and tomatoes. Serve it with a side of whole grain bread for a nutritious and filling meal.

Vegetables: Salads, vegetable soup, and broccoli. Vegetables are also very important to one’s health as they boost immunity. They are the sources of many nutrients like Vitamins A, C, E, fibre, potassium, zinc, among others.

White meat: A lot of people prefer red meat because it is sweeter but what is healthier is white meat. White meat is the highest source of protein and they contain a range of essential micronutrients.

Fish: Fish like Salmon contains Omega-3 fatty acid, Iodine, Vitamin D, Calcium. These keep our brain and heart-healthy. It also lowers the risk of stroke and heart attack.

Low fat dairy: Unsweetened Yoghurt, cheese, fresh milk. Fat-free dairy are rich in Vitamin D, to keep your bones healthy and strong. Add the berries of your choice to a bowl of yoghurt and enjoy. Milk gives a lot of calcium.

Sweet Potatoes: sweet potatoes are very good for people of all ages. Sweet potatoes contains has over ten health benefits. Sweet potatoes helps to regulate the blood sugar of diabetic people. Sweet potatoes are one of the best foods people who are 50 years and above can eat at night.

Although, it appears to be a heavy food, sweet potatoes contains a lot of fiber which will aids easy and quick digestion. But do not fry the potatoes, instead boil it.