[LOVERS’ CORNER] 7 Red flags to watch out for in early relationships


A red flag in a relationship is a warning sign or behavior that suggests potential problems or unhealthy dynamics which, if ignored, could lead to larger conflicts or emotional harm over time.

Recognizing red flags early helps you evaluate whether the relationship is healthy and sustainable.

However, early in a relationship is also one of the best times to be mindful of certain behaviors that might signal deeper issues as recognizing red flags at the start can save you from emotional pain later on.

Here are ten red flags to watch for in a new relationship. Noticing any of these behaviors doesn’t automatically mean things won’t work out, but if they show up early and go unaddressed, they could lead to larger issues.

  • Lack of Respect for Boundaries

If your partner ignores or minimizes your personal boundaries—whether emotional, physical, or time-related—it shows a lack of respect for your autonomy. Healthy relationships are built on mutual respect, so boundaries should be honored.

  • Inconsistent Communication

If they disappear for days, ignore messages, or only reach out when it’s convenient for them, this inconsistency might indicate they’re not genuinely invested. Communication patterns often reveal commitment levels and emotional maturity.

  • Excessive Jealousy or Possessiveness

A bit of jealousy is natural, but if they frequently accuse you of infidelity or try to limit your interactions with friends or family, it’s a major red flag. Over time, this can escalate into controlling behavior.

  • Lack of Accountability

If they blame others for their problems, never apologize, or avoid taking responsibility, it may indicate a lack of emotional maturity. Owning up to one’s actions is essential for growth and healthy conflict resolution.

  • Disregard for Your Feelings

If they dismiss or belittle your feelings, make you feel guilty for expressing emotions, or criticize you for being “too sensitive,” it’s a sign they might struggle with empathy. Emotional safety is key for a supportive relationship.

  • Quick to Anger or Overly Defensive

If they overreact to minor issues, act aggressively, or can’t handle constructive criticism, it suggests a potential for future conflicts. A healthy relationship requires calm conflict resolution skills.

  • Lack of Long-Term Alignment:

If, when discussing future goals or values (e.g., family, career, lifestyle), your visions seem incompatible, it’s worth considering. While you don’t have to agree on everything, major differences in long-term goals can lead to conflict later on.

Relationships need time to develop, so if you see any of these signs, have an open conversation. Sometimes, honest communication can bring clarity or help work through issues together.