[LOVERS’ CORNER] Handling Rejection: 7 strategies to cope with a breakup


Experiencing a breakup or romantic rejection can be one of the most painful emotional experiences. The sense of loss can trigger profound grief, self-doubt, and anxiety. If not properly handled can lead to depression.

Are you finding it hard to heal from a breakup? You need to understand the psychology behind these feelings and  actionable steps to recover.

Here are seven strategies to help you cope with the aftermath of a romantic rejection:


  • Allow Yourself to Grieve.

It’s crucial to acknowledge your feelings rather than suppress them. Grieving is a natural emotional response to any significant loss, including the end of a relationship. Allow yourself to experience sadness, anger, frustration, or whatever emotions arise. Processing these feelings is the first step toward healing. Let all the pain out.


  • Reach Out for Support

Isolation can increase the pain of rejection, so it’s important to lean on your support network. Talk to friends, family, or a mental health professional. This will provide comfort and perspectives that help you feel less alone and more understood.


  • Engage in Self-Care

Taking care of your physical and emotional needs can help strengthen your resilience. Engage in activities that promote well-being and relaxation, such as exercise, meditation, reading, or pursuing a hobby. This is the time to Prioritize your health and happiness, it will automatically help restore your self-esteem and balance.


  • Reflect on What You’ve Learned

Every relationship, no matter how it ends, offers valuable lessons. Spend some time reflecting on what the experience taught you about yourself, your needs, and what you would want differently in a future relationship. This reflection will transform your painful experiences into growth and empowerment as you pick the lessons learnt.


  •  Limit Contact with Your Ex

Maintaining contact immediately after a breakup can prolong the pain of rejection. Give yourself space to heal by setting boundaries or temporarily cutting off communication if necessary. This includes limiting checking their social media profiles, calls and every other things which can hinder your recovery.


  • Create a New Routine

Breakups can disrupt your daily routine, especially if you shared many activities with your ex. Creating a new routine helps in regaining a sense of normalcy and control over your life. Fill your time with activities that enrich your life and improve your mood.


  • Set New Goals

A breakup can be an opportunity to rediscover personal goals and aspirations that might have taken a backseat during your relationship.


Whether it’s career ambitions, personal fitness goals, or learning new skills, focusing on personal growth will help redirect your energy positively. You first !



Understanding the psychology of romantic rejection highlights the fact that such experiences, while painful, are universal and survivable. Each of these strategies focuses on rebuilding self-esteem, gaining emotional strength, and moving forward with a renewed sense of purpose. Remember, healing is not linear, and allowing yourself time to process your emotions is key.