What Makes you Different Makes you Beautiful



What makes you different makes you beautiful. Beauty, they say, is in the eyes of the beholder, though an old saying, which I believe is still very relevant today. The saying will continue to remain relevant as far as we all have our preferences as to what appeals to our sensuality as a person, whether a man or a woman.

Most times, when beauty is mentioned, all our mindset focuses on the women gender forgetting the fact that anything could be called beautiful. But as for this write-up, we will be going into the unusual, to understand what beauty could be in its real sense and how you can achieve it without breaking the bank or overwork yourself. What does beauty mean to you? That is a million-dollar question that should jolt everyone that wishes to look good and acceptable to people around.

The world has really evolved to the extent that the act of enhancing one’s beauty is not rested with the women folks alone, as both genders are so conscious of their looks, such that they want to look so good and make heads to turn upon their arrival at any place.

For me, beauty is feeling comfortable in your own skin, appreciating your imperfections, feeling good about yourself whether you wear a make-up or not, or you wear stylish clothes or not. Beauty means empowering yourself. A lot of researches have revealed various definitions of what beauty truly is and it has so far made us understand that it goes beyond the fanciful and appealing face or body structure.

There is a common saying that everyone is beautiful because we are unique in our own ways. There was a song sung many years ago by Westlife, with the chorus, “What makes you different makes you beautiful.”

This obviously shows that beauty goes beyond the physical looks, suggesting it has to do with your inner man. Your confidence is your beauty. Are you surprised? I am sure lots of people will wonder what I am driving at. There will be questions such as: How do you expect me to have confidence when I am not with perfect hour-glass shape as a lady and as a guy I am not with the six pack abs with heavy biceps that could make me attractive in all kind of light (Red shirts and sport wears).

Hello, it does not matter. What makes you beautiful is your confidence. As individuals we have all been created with various body shapes, looks, hair types and colours, eyes, nose and all other features to qualify us as human beings in the first place. Discovering your own identity is now the pride of it.

What a lot of us believe is beauty in its real sense is the enhancement. Are you shocked? When I say enhancement, it does not really mean tummy tuck, breast enlargement or transgender etc.  but the little powder, foundation, lip gloss, wigs, weavons/hair extensions, hair-cuts are also enhancement of the beauty on your physical look.

The main purpose of giving a proper insight about beauty is to see it beyond the norms that have been distorted and make a lot of people still get unsatisfied with all the plastic surgeries, going under the knife several times and without discussing the pains that come with it, but seek for endorsement from people on what the glamorous outcome always is.

In the Yoruba world, it is said that, “Iwalewa” literarily meaning that character is beauty. What an amazing way to describe Beauty? It shows that beauty is more on the inner man and woman, than the face value which lots of people had prioritised so much that they end up destroying their confidence and self- esteem.

It is also important that the two should go hand in hand as to get a better result. When your inner man and your physical look are both beautiful, you radiate a wonderful aura around people and it gives an amazing confidence and self-esteem. Keep up the beautiful character, show kindness, be good to everyone, speak words that encourage and build up people’s spirit and not to tear them down.

Let people see you around and make their world glow. This alone is an attraction to you and will make people feel comfortable with. Beautify your heart and you will look extraordinarily beautiful in your own uniqueness.