2023: Kwankwaso contesting till the end – PCC


The Presidential Campaign Council of the New Nigeria Peoples Party had announced that Musa Rabiu Kwankwaso is still running for President and has indicated he won’t withdraw for anyone.

The organization labeled the allegations as part of a smear campaign that was being expertly managed from the beginning by one political group.

The NNPP asserts that jobbers looking to resell outdated medications to a sick Nigeria were behind the reports.


Ladipo Johnson, the Kwankwaso/NNPP-PCC spokesperson, provided the clarification in a press release headed “Is Kwankwaso Still in the Race? Is he running to win?


He said, “These are the questions being bandied around by the supporters of those who have failed this country and who are still pretenders to the office of President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

“The campaign of calumny is well orchestrated and comes from more than one political block! Ab initio, they initiated and carried rumours about Kwankwaso purportedly stepping down for their weak candidates. I pity these political jobbers as there probably is no easy way for them to sell their weak and ailing candidates who have passed their “sell by dates”, to Nigerians! I make bold to say that these so-called candidates should be taken off the supermarket shelf (off the political space). They have cost us enough.

“Furthermore, these political jobbers are attempting to push their narrative by using pecuniary means to entice solitary NNPP or Kwankwasiyya members who then stage “decamping shows”, where they parade a few hired hands adorned with “new” red Kwankwasiyya caps which they symbolically remove or throw away.

“They then claim to have moved with hundreds of thousands or some have claimed, with millions of members! We saw these laughable shows by some nincompoops recently in Kano and Bauchi and I dare say, there will be more shows as the “expired” politicians become more desperate as we approach the election. These people are jokers and should be seen as such.

“Unfortunately, I have some bad news for these jobbers seeking to sell “expired drugs” to a sick Nigeria. Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso and the NNPP are contesting this election to the end.

“The RMK 2023 campaign is waxing stronger as we head into the last 30 days of the campaign. Our candidate has reached way over 400 plus local governments and is going into the only state he has not been to, to campaign in the coming days.

“We repeat that we have a clear strategic path to victory and that by God’s special grace, the NNPP and Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso are going to win the election.

“As it is certain that these “expired” politicians will continue to seek to “buy” the loyalty and votes of Nigerians and will not desist from their underhand tactics.

“I must let it be known to Nigerians that the NNPP and Kwankwaso are contesting this election to win. Kwankwaso has the competence, capacity, and political will to move Nigeria in the right direction. He will deliver on the people’s mandate.”