Autopsy reveals George Floyd tested positive for Coronavirus


A full autopsy report has revealed that the late George Floyd tested positive for Coronavirus before his death.

The 20-page autopsy report released by the Hennepin County Medical Examiner’s Office revealed that Floyd tested positive for Coronavirus in April.

It was released after the coroner’s office released summary findings that Floyd had a heart attack while being restrained by officers.

George Floyd’s death has now been classified as a homicide.

TMZ reported that the Coroner said; “Positivity for 2019-nCoV can persist for weeks after the onset and resolution of clinical disease, the autopsy result most likely reflects asymptomatic but persistent PCR positivity from the previous infection.”

”This meant the deceased was likely walking around without issues or active symptoms, but the virus was still in his body.

”The final report from Hennepin on Wednesday says Floyd had “no injuries of anterior muscles of the neck or laryngeal structures.”

Ben Crump, Floyd’s family attorney, had earlier decried the official autopsy as described in the original complaint against Chauvin, for ruling out asphyxia.

An autopsy commissioned by the Floyd family concluded that he died of asphyxiation due to neck and back compression.