FRSC promotes 3,845 marshals


3,845 Marshals from various cadres were accepted for promotion during the recently completed promotion exercise by the Corps Marshal, Federal Road Corps Safety, Dauda Biu.

The promotion process started in December 2022 and lasted through January 2023.

This was said in a statement released on Friday and signed by Bisi Kazeem, the Corps Spokesperson.

The statement read, “In the list of the promoted Marshals of the Corps, 90 Deputy Chief Inspectors were promoted to the rank of Chief Inspectors, 95 Assistant Chief Inspectors were promoted to the rank of Deputy Chief Inspector, 87 Principal Marshal Inspectors were promoted to the rank of Assistant Chief Inspector, 222 Senior Marshal Inspectors were promoted to the rank of Principal Marshal Inspector, 228 Marshal Inspectors-One were promoted to the rank of Senior Marshal Inspector, while 361 Marshal Inspectors-Two were promoted to the rank of Marshal Inspector-One.

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“Other Marshals of the Federal Road Safety Corps who benefitted from the promotion exercises are: 254 Chief Road Marshal Assistants promoted to the rank of Marshal Inspector-Two (MI-II), 149 Deputy Chief Road Marshal assistants promoted to the rank of Chief Road Marshal Assistant, 1042 Senior Road Marshal Assistants promoted to the rank of Deputy Road Marshal Assistant, 833 Road Marshal Assistant –One promoted to the rank of Senior Road Marshal Assistant, 437 Road Marshal Assistants-Two promoted to the rank of Road Marshal Assistant –One, and 47 Road Marshal Assistants-Three were promoted to the rank of Road Marshal Assistants-Two.”

The Corps Marshal congratulated the newly promoted Marshals (junior cadre) of the Corps and gave them a charge to recommit themselves to the FRSC’s ideals, which include managing traffic in addition to saving lives on Nigerian roads and creating a safe driving environment. He added that promotion is the result of hard work and that it comes with increased responsibilities.

While he urged all staff to use the exercise as a chance to keep working hard, he also urged those who have not yet participated to be patient and dedicated to their jobs because his administration plans to recognize commitment, passion, inventiveness, proactivity, and prompt response to urgent situations related to traffic and crash management.