Human Trafficking: Police parade two suspects in Sokoto 


The Sokoto State Police Command has paraded two suspects accused of human trafficking and other related offences.

Speaking to journalists in Sokoto, the state’s Commissioner of Police, Muhammad Gumel, said one of the suspects was apprehended at the border town with a victim, whom he attempted to traffic to Libya via Niger Republic.

According to the CP, the suspect’s accomplice was apprehended at a popular hotel in Sokoto metropolis.

He said the two suspects will be investigated to know their level of involvement in a ring of human trafficking ring turning the Sokoto axis a major route.

Over 22 persons were rescued by officers of the National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP) in Sokoto from suspected human traffickers last year.

In a related development, five persons suspected to be involved in kidnapping in Sokoto and neighbouring states have been arrested by officers of Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) in Sokoto.