Investigative report: we must bring evil perpetrators to book – CCC

The Celestial Church of Christ, through its Task Force Corps, has written to all of its members and the general public to let them know that it is aware “of the indiscipline acts being exhibited in our parishes, especially on harvest days and events that ought to be a Holy Service to the Lord”, following the report of an undercover investigation on indiscipline and corrupt practices among its prophets/prophetesses and shepherds.

The Church asserted that it was in the forefront of cases involving insubordination and corruption among its members and officials, and it made a commitment to “bring these evil perpetrators to book and to make sure all these shenanigans are flushed out of the Church.”

A research by the Foundation for Investigative Journalism claimed that some prophets and prophetesses of the Celestial Church of Christ International Headquarters were involved in corrupt practices and indiscipline.

The Church, in its letter dated October 24, wrote: “Calvary greetings to you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

“It has come to the notice of the Celestial Church of Christ Task Force Corps of the indiscipline acts being exhibited in our parishes especially on harvest days and events that ought to be a Holy Service to the Lord.

“All these corrupt practices are becoming rampant of our members and unbecoming of our shepherds, prophets and prophetesses in the fold.

“It has come to our notice of the menace going on at our parish in Cairo and drinking of alcoholic drinks during the Harvest celebration at one of our parishes, CCC Idunu Joshua Parish in Lagos, in which the spread of all these on social media hereby portray the Church to the world in a bad manner and according to the constitution of Celestial Church of Christ, taking of alcohol among others, is totally forbidden. The CCC constitution page 29, section 93, (iii) highlights that ‘consumption of any form of alcohol, wine or any strong drink that can intoxicate is forbidden to members of Celestial Church of Christ as the odour of all these – cigarettes, tobacco, alcohol, etc. – are repugnant to the presence of the Holy Spirit.’

“However, the CCC Task Force Corps is using this medium to inform the general public to rest assured, as we are on the frontline of all these cases and we must bring these evil perpetrators to book and to make sure all these shenanigans are flushed out of the Church.

“Also we want to implore all bloggers to always be calm and not to always be in a hurry for result once we are hinted on issues, as we have to take it through investigation process before we conclude or come up with a statement as there are protocols and procedures to follow according to the laws and ethics guiding our job as enforcement team.

“For the time being, we implore all and sundry on these cases, to get to the Office of the CCC Task Force Corps Worldwide on this available hotlines 08101403780, 07068391845 or 07068709568. We therefore, implore all to maintain calmness and henceforth the spread of this via the social media should stop.

“The name of the Lord shall not be abused in our time.”