Jail escapee leads gunmen to Edo community, kill six, injure others


Gunmen have reportedly stormed the Okhunmwun community in Edo State’s Ovia North-East local government area, killing six persons, including three members of the state government-backed vigilante, Edo State Security Network (ESSN). The purpose for their conduct is unknown.

Several other persons were injured, including a septuagenarian former military commander, Mr. Peter Omorogbe, and the ESSN’s Head of Tactical Team, Mr Osarenren, also known as General Small Baba, who is now hospitalised.

Endurance Ehioretin, Victor Uwaifo, and another simply known as D.D were identified as ESNN members, while others included Osas Orobor, a community indigene, Sada Haruna, and Wada Hilia, both commercial motorbike riders.

It was gathered that some persons are missing since the bloody attack which took place on Thursday night.

The assailants were said to have sneaked into the community with guns and laid ambush at Okhunmwun road by Uhogua junction inside Okhunmwun where they killed some of their victims.

It was gathered that General Small Baba, who resides in the community, was riding in a Toyota vehicle in the company of his operatives when the gunmen opened fire on them and, while he escaped, three of his men died.

The gunmen were said to have then gone into the residence of one Orobor, a recently trained ESSN member, and shot him dead.

A former Vice Chairman of the Okhunmwun Community,Mr. Aigbedion Ifa, while narrating the incident, yesterday, said he had already left the locality for Benin-City when the Youth Leader (Okaighele), Louis Ulamen, informed him of the attack and he said he quickly notified soldiers who later accompanied him and others to the area.

Confirming the killings, the Public Relations Officer for Edo State Police Command, SP Chidi Nwabuzor, said one Charles Aghedo, a prison escapee, reportedly led others to attack the community over leadership tussle.