JUST IN: I am ‘Jack of all trade and master of all’, Labour Minister, Ngige declares 2023 presidential ambition

The Minister of Labour and Employment, Sen. Chris Ngige Tuesday formally declared his intention to contest for the position of President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

He said he has a burning desire to see a prosperous, united and equitable Nigeria, according to a statement from his media office.

Ngige unveiled his presidential ambition before a crowd at St. Mary’s Catholic Church Alor, Idemili South local government area of Anambra State.

Addressing the crowd, comprising APC faithful and other supporters, the former Anambra State Governor said having served 40 years in the public service, he was fully equipped as an administrator, with huge wealth of experience, capacity and energy as well as large heart to accommodate the differences among Nigerians.

Ngige who recounted his numerous achievements as a former governor, ex- Senator and two-time minister, described himself as the “Jack of all trade and master of all” that Nigeria needs now.

He thanked the President for the opportunity offered him to serve as a minister, which broadened his knowledge of the various ministries, departments and agencies, being a member of the Federal Executive Council (FEC) and the conciliator of disputes between employers and employees in the various arms of government and the private sector.

He said his stewardship in the difficult and complex Ministry of Labour as the chief conciliator, enriched his knowledge of the problems of workers, the difficulty the industrialists and entrepreneurs face, why industries close down, and why some run far below their installed capacity and in turn employ less hands .

Ngige said, “I also know the unproductive areas and the areas of waste in the public  service. I see the energy in labour  which has not been properly harnessed.  I have seen the low  hanging fruits in agriculture , the handicaps, the factors that militate against  job creation, which is  one of the mandates of my ministry, especially the inter-ministerial and inter agencies cooperation that is missing. I have seen our burgeoning population without a corresponding advantage in terms of improvement in GDP.”

Labour experience

He said under his watch, the Labour Ministry has conciliated 1,683 industrial disputes in the last seven years,  95 percent done successfully in the ministry and its agency, the Industrial Arbitration Panel (IAP), while only about three percent  of the disputes went up to the National Industrial Court of Nigeria(NICN).

The minister said they took  labour administration to a higher level in the international arena , where their labour diplomacy brought Nigeria back to the Governing Board (GB) of the International Labour Organisation(ILO) after ten years in absence .

According to him, Nigeria came in  first as deputy (titular) 2017, and now full regular member of the GB , having also been elected as the Chairperson of the Government Group , where he presided over the affairs of 187 countries of the ILO between 2019 to 2020.

“My dear friends , colleagues and comrades, many would wonder that after serving seven years as Minister in one of the most difficult ministries  of government , in a polity riddled with rising unemployment, bickering and economic disputes between workers and employers, in a famished economy, Dr. Chris Nwabueze Ngige would have asked for a deserved rest.  Yes, a deserved rest would have been okay for me as a person but the zeal, the  burning desire in me to see a prosperous, united and equitable Nigeria, where no man is oppressed , where there is no chasm between the haves and have not, would not  allow me to go home and rest.”

“Today, as I sit back to ruminate on the state of our country,  I find a country led by a patriot, good hearted leader, Muhammadu Buhari, though greatly misunderstood especially in the South Eastern part of Nigeria . Permit me to say that I want to get the nomination of our party and to stand on its  manifesto to actualize and execute the programmes  of the APC.

“Shall we say the APC as party and as a government has  failed? The answer is a big No. The three cardinal issues  upon which Nigeria gave us a mandate in 2015 are infrastructure/economic development, security and anti-corruption. In properly assessing this government and our programmes, it is important we start from  where we met Nigeria in 2015.  I don’t want to be one of those in the class of wailers, wallowing in self-pity.  No!  I want to be your ambassador so I can go and grow prosperity, grow the resources that are needed for a big country like Nigeria. Truth be told, Nigeria has been in the years of the locust, starting from the  80s, 90s, the long period of military rule  to 2015. Luckily, the leaves were all eaten away but the tree and the branches still stand. Yes I’m part of this administration, so I should know what the resources look like and I know what the challenges are. This is because I’m in the room and I’m privy to decisions taken.   In scoring the administration, one can give us a pass, credit or distinction in infrastructure  depending   on  the assessor .  But let me ask.  Can you score a government that has invested massively in infrastructural development,  built roads and bridges like Lagos -Ibadan-Ilorin Rd, 2nd Niger Bridge almost completed, and the reactivation of the rail system anything but distinction?

“You can also score us in security,  again depending on the baseline – even though we know that the security deterioration  is also linked to the economic situation of the country, which has stifled jobs while population gallops by the day.”

Police reform

Ngige said if he becomes President, the Nigerian Police , as the agency in charge of homeland security would be equipped with men and material to function optimally, lamenting that attempts by the current administration to increased their men by 10,000 every year in the last five years was stifled by  unnecessary bureaucracy .

According to him, the decentralization of the Nigerian police is the way to go, so that governors of states can be chief security officers  in name and in reality.

He added that the structure of the Nigerian police needs to  change and mimic that of the judiciary which has worked well with the State judiciary and the federal arm in a handshake.

He said as a former governor and Chief security officer of a state, he knows what to do and how to do it.

Ngige recalled that as Governor of Anambra State, he met N42b debt, schools closed for one year with teachers and civil servants owed for almost a year, doctors and health professionals on strike for eight months and pensioners treated as “dead woods.”

“I met dilapidated infrastructure, with hopelessness and despair written on the faces of the people of Anambra State. The judiciary was also neither  equipped nor   energized to do its  work. Importantly, I turned all these into history as I cleared the  arrears  of salaries, pensions, as well as paid off  genuine creditors. I and my team  rejuvenated the civil service . We further  introduced knowledge based promotion  through  examination. Under our administration,  500km of roads across all senatorial zones  were  built in 30 months, unprecedented in the history of the State . Handled  by the best    contractors, these roads still stand like the Rock the of Gibraltar, 16 years after. Anambra then became a metaphor for solid roads under the slogan of Anambra People’s  Money at work!”

The presidential hopeful assured that if elected President, he would deploy the resources belonging to Nigerians to the expansion of the infrastructure efforts of the current administration in roads, rail, air and even inland water ways.

ASUU Strike

Ngige also spoke on his role in the incessant strikes of academics in public universities.

“Some persons  have been feeding the public with wrong information that my office is to blame for the incessant strikes by labour unions,” he said. “Here is an opportunity  to explain my role as a conciliator.  There is a misconception that the conciliator is also the man who will actualize and implement whatever is reached in an agreement. This is wrong . A conciliator is like an arbitrator and not the person who implements the agreement so reached . At most , he can do a facilitation by persuasion for the parties to implement the agreement and that’s where the role stops .

“In the case of the university unions, it is important to make it clear that the Federal Government  is not  owing  them salaries and wages rather, what is being owed is a carry-over of allowances (Earned Academic Allowances/Earned Allowances) from the past administration and that the carry-over  is being paid in installment,   under a negotiated agreement . In one or two occasions that government defaulted for lack of revenue to pay, it was properly rescheduled.

“Unfortunately, detractors  have  told unions that Ngige is their problem. How can the Minister of Labour be their problem when he is not their employer ? The Minister of Labour is neither  a member of the Governing Council of universities nor  the Minister of Education or Finance.  The same goes for health workers and doctors. The government side and the fixers of salaries and wages met with them and told them what they are able to pay, which is an ILO principle of Negotiation – Capacity and ability to pay . Instead of  following up with negotiations, they would  turn around  to blame the Minister.

“For example ASUU invented a payment  platform, called UTAS . UTAS has been subjected to necessary tests by   National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) which said it cannot recommend the system for use, having  passed User Acceptability test, but failed Integrity and Credibility test.  ASUU said Ngige can do the magic, to force NITDA to clear  UTAS  and also force the Ministry of Finance to deploy it. This magic is beyond me.   They ascribed the powers I don’t have to my office.

“However, conciliation and arbitration is within the ambit of my Ministry and we are doing whatever we can , including persuasion, and subtly moving  into other ministries, to try to pressure them, in order to resolve some of the issues.  I’m a concerned  parent whose  children are also  in the public universities in Nigeria .  In the Seventh Senate , I championed the cause of labour.  How then can I turn around to stop  the progress of these institutions? God forbid !”

Ngige urged the leaders of the university  system to tell their members  the truth  about what is happening  with UTAS at the NITDA as well as  the re-negotiation of 2009 agreement  ongoing in the Ministry  of Education, which ASUU has shunned.

He appealed to ASUU to reconsider their position and save the education sector in Nigeria .

He recalled that two labour centres in Nigeria, the NLC and UTC had on different occasions commended his stewardship in repositioning labour and engendering social dialogue, even as the Nigerian Medical Assocition and the Nigerian Association of Resident Doctors commended his efforts in resolving age long challenges in the health sector, describing him as  “ a medical elder of repute.”

Earlier, the President of National Forum for South East Presidency, Patrick Enunekwu described Ngige as the most qualified among all the aspirants, saying his experience cuts across all the arms of government including the judiciary, which he worked with while serving as Governor

Enunekwu said the roads Ngige built over 17 years ago in Anambra State still stands the test of time.

Speaking in a similar vein, a former APC governorship aspirant in Anambra State, Kaodilinye Okelekwe extolled Ngige for his selflessness, determination, self confidence, far sightedness and good judgement, which are the characteristics of a good leader.

Also, the leader of the South-East APC Progressive Forum, Chukwudi Uba expressed trust in the ability of Ngige to restore security in Nigeria and revamp the economy to ensure a prosperous Nigeria where all citizens would enjoy the benefits of the resources of the country maximally.