NSA office refutes backing deposed Kano Emir


The Office of the National Security Adviser (NSA) has denied allegations that NSA Nuhu Ribadu facilitated the return of the dethroned Emir of Kano, Aminu Ado Bayero, to the ancient city on Saturday.

Zakari Mijinyawa, spokesperson for the NSA’s office, labeled these claims as false.

Mijinyawa, speaking in Abuja, was responding to accusations made by the state Deputy Governor, Aminu Gwarzo, who claimed that the NSA was involved in the emir’s return.

Earlier the deputy governor said the law was clear on the process for the coronation of an emir and that “nobody has any right to interfere or enforce anyone on Kano people”.

He had accused Ribadu of “using security” to intimidate the people of the state.

Nevertheless, the NSA, as communicated by their spokesperson, firmly declared that their office did not arrange the aircraft that brought Ado Bayero back to the state.

Ado Bayero arrived back in the state early on Saturday, approximately 48 hours after his dethronement by Governor Abba Kabir, who replaced him with Muhammadu Sanusi II.