Obama congratulates Trump, says ‘Our point of view won’t always win out’


Former U.S. President Barack Obama has extended his congratulations to Republican Donald Trump following his victory in the U.S. presidential election.

“This is obviously not the outcome we had hoped for, given our profound disagreements with the Republican ticket on a whole host of issues,” Obama said in a joint statement with wife Michelle.

“But living in a democracy is about recognising that our point of view won’t always win out, and being willing to accept the peaceful transfer of power.”

The United States had been “through a lot” over recent years, “from a historic pandemic and price hikes resulting from the pandemic, to rapid change and the feeling a lot of folks have that, no matter how hard they work, treading water is the best they can do,” the former Democratic president wrote.

“Those conditions have created headwinds for democratic incumbents around the world, and last night showed that America is not immune,” Obama said.

“But progress requires us to extend good faith and grace even to people with whom we deeply disagree.

“That’s how we’ve come this far, and it’s how we’ll keep building a country that is more fair and more just, more equal and more free.”

In the final stretch of the campaign, Obama passionately endorsed Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris, emphasizing her commitment to standing up for the people.

He also mocked his Republican successor, Donald Trump, pointing out his privileged background and financial failures.