‘Our hands will not be forced,’ Police warn over Mohbad’s death investigation


The Lagos police force has issued a strong warning that its “hands will not be forced” in the ongoing investigation into the death of late rapper Ilerioluwa Oladimeji Aloba, popularly known as Mohbad.

Mohbad died in a mysterious manner on Tuesday, September 12th, prompting countless Nigerians to demand justice and a full investigation into the matter.

In a statement on Saturday, the Police Public Relations Officer, Benjamin Hundeyin, said that the investigation will not be turned into a media trial.

Hundeyin stressed that the police will follow laid down protocols, amid calls by several people for certain people to be questioned and the result of Mohbad’s autopsy to be made public.

“This is not trial by media. The right questions will be asked and answered at the right place, before the right people, but most importantly, at the right time,” he said.

“Our hands will not be forced. Nonetheless, rest assured that every single homicide investigation protocol is being followed, as there is zero tolerance for shoddiness.”


‘More Protests’

Meanwhile, Abuja residents on Friday took to the Unity Fountain for a candlelight procession in honour of the late singer.

To further amplify the calls for justice, the protesters gathered in the heart of the nation’s capital for the candlelight procession and concert a day after Lagosians held a similar event.

Many of them had placards with several inscriptions to drum home their message at the gathering which started at 7 pm. Dressed mostly in white tops, the participants danced to tunes from Mohbad’s songs. Nollywood star Tonko Dikeh was among those at the event.

Before now, there have been protests across the country and beyond as fans, mostly young people, demanded justice for the Peace crooner.

In Calabar, Cross Rivers State, there were protests with residents taking to the streets. They chanted against members of Mohbad’s former record label Marlian Music over allegations of bullying and harassment.

In Taraba, it was a similar situation as residents ignited candles and paid homage to the 27-year-old.

Outside the Nigerian shore, there was a massive billboard in New York with Mohbad’s images as calls for a probe into circumstances surrounding his death continued to gain global mileage.

‘Autopsy Result Awaited’

The gathering and protests come just as police authorities exhumed the singer’s body from his graveside in the Ikorodu area of Lagos State a few days after he was buried.

While an autopsy has since been carried out, the spokesman of the Lagos State Police Command Benjamin Hundeyin said the result is being awaited.

“Autopsy has been concluded. Awaiting result…,” he wrote on his X account on Thursday night.

Already, the Inspector General of Police (IGP) Kayode Egbetokun has charged police authorities in Lagos to conduct a thorough probe into Mohbad’s death. Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu equally asked the Department of State Services (DSS) to join the investigations.

“I would like to assure everyone that I am not oblivious to the sad passing of Ilerioluwa Oladimeji Imole Aloba (Mohbad). We have been closely working behind the scenes with relevant authorities, and keenly following the ongoing investigations,” Sanwo-Olu on his X handle Tuesday.

“However, in order to boost the investigations, I have invited the Department of State Services (DSS) to join the investigation and widen the